SweetPea’s Dilemma


Hey everybody! SweetPea here. I know you’ve been dying to hear from me so I thought I would share my dilemma with you. To be honest, I’ve been a little busy. I know what you’re thinking, “What could SweetPea possibly have to do since hunting season is long since passed and it’s the middle of winter?” Hey, there’s more to me than hunting birds. I mean that is right up there at the top of the list and all but there’s more to life than hunting to this girl.

I mean Spring is coming and that means tons of really odiferous stuff to roll in. I don’t know what that word means, I’ve just heard mom and dad use it when they’re trying to describe the way I smell. But then they always make me get in the tub and stand there while they run water over me and rub bubbly stuff all over me that smells really bad. So then I have to go outside and find some way to get rid of the awful stench. Then they make me stand in the tub…well, you get the picture.

But the real reason I’m so busy is my parents have really complicated my life with that dilemma I mentioned. Life used to be simple. I get food in the morning…I get food at night. Then this happened!

SweetPea and a weeks worth of food

What am I supposed to with that? For starters, I can’t eat that much. I mean, seriously! If I eat all that food right now I’m going to be miserable. Plus the fact that I’ll be like too wide to fit through the door. A girl has her figure to consider. Shorthairs aren’t supposed to be fat. We are lean, mean hunting machines. Bulldogs are fat…not Shorthairs. (No offense to Bulldogs)

So, I tried to tell them I can’t eat all this. Hello? Can you put it back and we’ll make a run at it again later? But then they shut me in the laundry room with it. Like that’s going to help. So then they bring me out of the laundry room and shut the door so I can’t see it. But, I still know it’s there. Does anyone else see the problem here?

SweetPea and Rusty

One more detail to complicate the situation…we live with a cat. A cat that does not understand the idea of property ownership in any way, shape, or form. As in no concept of “my food.” I can’t leave her alone with my food. Who knows what she’ll do with it or to it. Cats are devious creatures. So every time she goes to the laundry room, to do whatever it is she does in there, I have to go and make sure she stays out of my food. This was so much simpler when they just gave me what I wanted to eat, when I wanted to eat it. No, they have to go and get all lazy and put a week’s worth of food out and make it my job to guard it.

SweetPea guarding her food from rusty

Anyway, it’s been good catching up with you all. But now I need to go out and bark at nothing in the dark to make my parents think I have a reason for wanting out at this time of night. They’re so gullible.

Till next time,


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